The Heroes of Halyard (2023)

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Sinopsis Film The Heroes of Halyard (2023)

The Heroes of Halyard (2023) Sub Indo Cinema21 Gratis Lk21 KING21 | Nonton Film Streaming Online INDOXXI Dunia21 Download Movie Gratis Subtitle Indonesia.

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A story inspired by the largest single rescue mission of downed Allied airmen behind enemy lines in aviation history of all time, codenamed “The Halyard Mission”. This action took place in the summer of 1944. It was led by the Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland that was headed by General Dragoljub “Draža” Mihailović. It was at great cost and sacrifice that the Serbian people saved 508 American and other Allied countries’ airmen from certain death, sending them off to safety from the improvised airfield in the Serbian village of Pranjani, at the foot of Mt Suvobor.

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The Heroes of Halyard (2023) Sub Indo Cinema21 Gratis Lk21 KING21

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Views:110 views
Duration: 114 Min